Blog Post

Start, STOP, Continue.... Prospecting

Janet Doran Business Coach • 9 June 2021

Start, STOP Continue… is a series of guest blogs written by Yorkshire based experts sharing 3 key tips on what to Start, Stop & Continue to develop in this area.

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Sharing their expertise in this issue is Sally, from Fun Training For Results, based in Harrogate.

With a successful career in sales, after attending yet another boring sales course, that didn’t work, Sally was inspired to establish Fun Training for Results, specialising in sales and customer service training. 

Sally ’s training is unique, engaging, fun and different. No clock watching, no copious note taking or PowerPoint overload. Training with Sally is about doing things and having fun, so you remember, and you use what you have learned. It’s the results that matter! 

Sally, when it comes to prospecting what is the one thing we should start doing right now?

Booking time in your diary to do it. Most people avoid and make every excuse not to, fear of being told no, blaming not enough data, the economy or even the weather.

The reality is that, even in a recession, there are always people looking to buy and if you aren’t active then your competition will be!  

To really have any impact I recommend a minimum of 3 hours per week; this should include one networking meeting, time on LinkedIn and 1-2-1 follow up meetings.

Prospecting is about building awareness and relationship building.  Putting yourself on the radar of potential customers as and when they have a need for your products or services.

Write down your prospecting plan and commit to doing it. Make it a priority to avoid it getting bumped off your list when business is busy.

On the flip side, what should we STOP doing?

100% it is not about selling, it’s about developing a relationship over time. - think of it a bit like dating. 

Understand that prospecting is hard work and requires a tenacious mixed approach. Combining LinkedIn, calling, email, text or going to virtual webinars or networking, arrange a walking meeting. Combined with strategy all can create new opportunity.

Be careful though, know who your ideal client is and target them. Little point spending hours with dog groomers, unless that is you are targeting dog groomers!

Finally, what’s a valuable activity that we should continue doing or do more of?

If you are doing what you did pre-Covid – you are kidding yourself!

In this new virtual world opportunities are more accessible than ever. Get online to find out where your target audience are hanging out, from webinars to networking meetings – if you are looking to meet more architects then search for networking meeting for architects. A great example is a supplier of hair extensions searched for networking events for hair salons and found a nationwide group they could attend and made lots of new contacts all in one place.

If you are looking to work with larger organisations, look out for ‘Meet the buyer’ events in your sector. Once registered you can often make 1-2-1 appointments with your target buyers.

Consistency is key! If you take your foot off the gas when business is busy, 90 days down the line you could find your pipeline of enquiries has dried up.


Time block each day to prospect and then do it! 

Thank you, Sally, some great advice.

If you would like to find out more about Sally and her work, visit  or email

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