Blog Post

Differentiate or Die

Janet Doran • 26 June 2018

Why a Clear Competitive Advantage is Critical to Small Businesses

As someone who has been a ‘solopreneur’ or small business owner for any length of time, you know the challenges of being self-employed; it takes a certain kind of person to be able to handle the long hours, dedication and sacrifice needed to get your business off the ground.

You tell yourself it will all be worth it - the hard work will pay off, and you will gain the financial reward and balance in your life that you deserve. But what if that doesn’t happen? What if you’re whistling in the dark - putting your all into a business venture that is destined for failure?

So why might a young business ultimately fail, and how can you enhance your chances of success? Let’s begin by exploring what it means to have a clear competitive advantage, and why your business needs to have one.

The Power of a Clear Competitive Advantage

Entrepreneur and author Seth Godin famously said that in business ‘You are either remarkable or invisible.’ What does he mean by this? Remarkable is exactly that, something you see, hear or experience which causes you to stop, engage and want to share it to with others.

In business, strategy guru Michael Porter describes only two distinct choices that will make your business stand out:

Cost Leadership - businesses which operate on the lowest cost base using economies of scale and the constant drive for efficiency to deliver goods and services to customers whilst maintaining healthy margins


Differentiation - businesses that deliver something unique, which their customers value and perceive to be better than the competition, outweighing the issue of price.

Achieving long term success in business means exploiting one of these choices. This is particularly pertinent for smaller companies; in an increasingly competitive world, fewer businesses are making a success by being ‘stuck in the middle’ where your marketing & sales activities can appear uncoordinated, making it harder to find customers and then to convince them of your offer. Such a business is invisible. Unfortunately, as a small business owner without access to economies of scale, you are unlikely to be able to take advantage of a cost leadership business strategy. Therefore, the only way forward is to be remarkable - or to put it another way…

Differentiate or Die

This may sound brutal, but in the modern world, businesses need a competitive advantage to survive - let alone thrive; without differentiation your business is doomed to failure. Small business owners in particular need to understand this reality

So how can you ensure your business is geared towards a successful future?

Take a Step Back

It’s easy to get totally drawn in to the day-to-day running of your business - after all you’re excited about where you are going and there is so much to do. But taking a step back to really understand your future strategy is a cornerstone on which all successful businesses are built. It doesn’t matter how busy you are - you need to set aside some time to properly understand your business and make clear choices about its direction. Don’t be a busy fool.

The first step is to find Your Unique Identity

The very act of writing down what you know about your business can help you to understand where it fits into the market. Draw up your business’ identity by examining its strengths and weaknesses; what are the key resources and capabilities within your business that create value for your customers or reduce costs? Look for the things that make your business remarkable.

Get Help!

It can be difficult to ‘extract’ yourself sufficiently from your work in order to plan and whilst the concepts are simple it’s not always easy. Are you clear on your competitive advantage? If not Help is available to guide your business towards remarkable success.

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